guides for building your neocity

this is some of the stuff i used to build mine

the whole reason i'm getting really into this is because i think it would be fun to have a little online community where we all have our own pages, so these are some resources that helped me out when trying to figure out all these shenanigans.

the links on the left sidebar (or otherwise in the purple section on mobile) came with this layout, feel free to use them for whatever you need.

tutorials and the basics

  • neocities and html introductions as well as a ton of other helpful coding stuff for your website and educational journey.
  • video how-to that covers all the basics of html and css design for your neocities page.
  • a bunch of links and resources for everything you can think of: color contrast testers, word art, gif makers, layouts, accessibility guides and much more.
  • a bunch of how-tos to add a bunch of things to your page, as well as a ton of different code sources for image effects, scrollboxes, fun text and music players.


  • this tool is the one i used to build this very layout. what's nice is that the author has a ton of helpful comments in the code that allow you to figure out what every thing does, which makes it very easy to figure out what to change so it looks how you want.
  • some more layouts that you can copy-paste and make your own, just remember to give credit somewhere in your code (although most layout templates come with it already in there).


i've used a lot of different sites and pages to steal graphics from. if it says to credit the artist who made them, credit the artist. otherwise, the only rule is that you have to download the image/gif/whatever onto your own computer, upload it to your neocities "Edit Site" page, and then link the image in your code to that file, rather than to an https image link. after that, go wild.

  • lots of cute graphics organized by subject matter.
  • secret cottage is someone's personal webpage, but it's the first time i learned what shrines were and decided i simply must have a neocity. also at the bottom of the page they have a link to their "toy box" which includes a large collections of tiny gifs, tile backgrounds, icons and other fun things.

widgets and fun things

  • here you can find the code for the music box i have on my page, if you want one too.
  • here you can add a poll to your page.

inspo lol

  • cloverbell was a huge inspiration for me when building this, even though theirs is infinitely cooler and more impressive (they also have a collection of cute graphics and gifs at the bottom of their left sidebar.
  • ita fashion is one of the most popular pages and it's soooo deserved it was one of the first i saw and my gob was SMACKED. literally so cool.
music box
Lily Yan
Naked in Manhattan
Chappell Roan
Watch Me Move
Uhm Jung Hwa